Expert Painters Explain Why Painting Your Industrial Metal Roof Is Crucial
If your metal roof isn’t painted, you’re missing out on incredible benefits. Metal roofs are incredibly practical roofing systems as it is. However, their performance, longevity, and sustainability are increased tenfold when painted by professional roofers. At Diotte Coating Services, our painters have dealt with countless industrial clients whose metal roofs were not performing as they should be.
After giving them a fresh coat of specialty roof paint and following up with regular coatings over the next couple of years, their roofing systems were revolutionized and became a true asset, rather than an effort. To put this into perspective, our painters have explained why your industrial metal roof painting is crucial.
Preserve Its Peak Performance
Your roof is the biggest, most protective investment in your facility – and it needs to be treated with care to ensure that it continues to protect you and your assets. Without regular maintenance, your metal roof is vulnerable to the elements. And after some wear and tear, your property will be too. Luckily, simply applying a specialty metal roof paint every two to four years will preserve your roofs performance at its peak. This way, your roof will continue to serve you and your business for years to come – whatever the weather!
Recoat Rather Than Replace
Our painters also recommend painting your metal roof rather than replacing it, as it’s significantly less expensive and labour-intensive. Sure, once your metal roof deteriorates beyond help around 30 years old, it will likely need a replacement. But until then metal roofs often just need to be repainted to keep them functioning well and looking good. It’s a quick, easy way to give your metal roof a facelift without having to immediately fork out your already tight funds to cover a complete replacement.
Exceptionally Energy-Efficient
Having a metal roof alone will help you save up to 50 per cent of your energy costs every month! However, why settle for this when you can increase your roof’s energy efficiency further? Our painters can guide you in choosing a metal roof paint with a specialty coating that can reflect solar heat away from your facility, keeping your business and equipment cooler. This is also important, as wear and tear will reduce its ability to insulate your property. A fresh coat of paint every couple of years will bolster its energy efficiency to mitigate this phenomenon.
As you can see, painting your facility’s metal roof will be an investment you won’t regret. However, that all depends on the industrial roof painters you choose. These benefits can only be enjoyed when the correct brant, type, and coating of paint is applied according to specific industry and state standards. That’s where we come in! At Diotte Coating Services, our painters are highly trained and certified, boasting years of experience that aids them in applying the perfect paint and the ideal number of coatings.
Interested in learning more? Contact us now to discuss what will be involved and get a free quote on the job to help you make your decision.